- How do you keep connected to the kids you reached during VBS?
- What will make them want to come back?
This is the first-ever post-VBS outreach curriculum.
The FLOOD was originally written as a creative 3-day VBS but some have used it as an after-VBS outreach…Promote it during Bible School and get your kids excited about coming to church after VBS. Instead of using it over 3-days, simply use it once a week for three weeks.
- Powerful Bible lessons
- Engaging activities
- An easy way to share the Gospel with Kids
- FREE “Jesus Saves” sample T-shirt
- Free companion app (Download the app below)
- PDF copies to make distribution of lessons easy
- Audio teaching for “Making the Bible Come Alive”
- Online access to extra helps and resources by using the purchase code on page 4 of the lesson book.
Preview the Lesson Overview.
Download the FREE companion app:
- For iPhone/iPad – Download HERE (Coming soon…)
- For Android – Download HERE (Coming soon…)
Copy Permissions – Make as many copies as you want for your church.
50% off Sale!
Get your entire VBS curriculum for only $87.50
– Regular $175.00