Are You Scared?
Use the following videos for a discussion starter on fear and trust:
We asked about a 100 kids to draw pictures of their greatest fears. The video below will show you their responses.
Watch Kolby King share with a group of kids about facing their fears…Learn more about how to have Kolby King come to your church at
Other Items to Springboard Conversations about Fear and Trust
Slush Powder – Pour water into a regular Styrofoam cup. Do you think I can turn it upside down and nothing come out? Would you be willing to let me turn it upside down over your head? This is a great tool to explain that you don’t need all the answers in order to keep trusting. Bad things might happen and you don’t know why but you can still trust God.
Fire Cylinders – Use this great illustration to show that you don’t need all the answers to simply keep trusting.
Leading an Effective Fall Festival – Everything you need to evaluate and plan a great fall outreach event.
Have Some Fun…
FREE Monster From Mars – Use this Game Lesson to help kids understand the learn Psalm 56:3
See Our Youth and Children’s Curriculum for lessons on fear and trust.
FREE Family Devotion: Build a Fort – Have your family members “ransack” the house to get pillows, blankets, chairs, and whatever else they can find to build a fort and to discover great lessons from God’s Word about fear and trust.